VALR Adventure Alliance

Join Us.

We’re just getting started here at VALR.

Like you, we’ve been yearning to get back out there and ride.

Over the last 18-months during the lock down period we’ve been busy preparing for the launch of our VALR Adventure Alliance and have a number of updates and enhancements to be released over the coming months.

Everything from a unique adventure-travel packing system and accessories, through to a planning and ride-support app called ‘Co-Pilot’, to the release of an enormous knowledge-base of our combined adventure-travel experiences that will help you select kit, routes, accommodation, guide you across international borders, and even find fun and interesting things to do on the way or when you get there.

If you’d like to be kept informed of developments as they are about to be released please register your interest.

We promise we WILL NOT do any of the following: share your details with anyone else, bombard you with marketing emails or otherwise fill your inbox with noise.

Thank you for trusting us with your contact details.